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The Souls of the Dead! Lina's Final Decision!

::Lina, Zangulus, and Sylphiel proceed deeper into Phibrizzo's temple and make it to the edge of a giant hole in the ground::
Sylphiel: Where...?
Lina: Looks like we're supposed to go down to the bottom.
::Lina and Sylphiel levitate down, holding Zangulus::
Lina: No way we're taking the slow way down!
Sylphiel: Miss Lina!
Zangulus: What's that?
::the trio levitate past a gigantic crystal::
Lina: What is this...?
::inside are all the bodies of the people of Sairaag::
Lina: What the...?!
Sylphiel: Father...!
::they pass the body of Sylphiel's father::

::the trio appear in front of Phibrizzo::
Sylphiel: It can't be... This child?

Lina (thinking to herself): He's almost too powerful for us. Do I have to use it?!
Sylphiel: Wait, please!
Lina: Sylphiel?
Sylphiel: I have an idea. Miss Lina, please try a Dragon Slave. It may be powerful enough.
Lina: But a Dragon Slave wouldn't work on Phibrizzo.
Sylphiel: Please, just do it!

::Dragon Slave hits Phibrizzo's protective barrier and passes on by::
Lina (thinking to herself): Even amplified, it still doesn't work?!
Phibrizzo: Totally ineffective, Miss.
Sylphiel: "Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess!"
Phibrizzo: What?!
Sylphiel: DRAGON SLAVE!!!
::second Dragon Slave hits Phibrizzo::

Sylphiel: Whew.
Lina: "Whew?!" Since when can you cast that spell?!
Sylphiel: Huh? Um, well... I've been practicing since we were last together. I thought if I was going to travel with dear Gourry, I should be able to do that. ::giggles::
Lina: Black magic isn't in the housewife's handbook!
Sylphiel: Oh, no. To be exact, I'm just specializing in the Dragon Slave. Anyway, let's get dear Gourry out first!

::the trio rush over to the crystal Gourry is encased in::
Sylphiel: Why?! Shouldn't killing Phibrizzo have broken the crystal spell?

:: Amelia dies in Zelgadiss' arms::
Sylphiel: No! It can't be!
Lina: Sylphiel! Use a resurrection spell!
Sylphiel: Too late...

Sylphiel: I won't forgive you! "Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows!"
Phibrizzo: ::takes another bead::
Lina: Sylphiel!
Sylphiel: "Buried in the flow of time... In thy great..."
Phibrizzo: ::breaks the bead::
Sylphiel: ::collapses to the ground::
Lina: Sylphiel!
Sylphiel: F-Father... ::dies::

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