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VICE! The One Who Was Left Behind!

Lina: I know! You're both clerics, right? Can't you tell which way we're supposed to go?!
Amelia: Well, that's easy to say, but...
Sylphiel: I don't know if it'll work, but I'll give it a try. ::her rod begins to glow::
Lina: Whoa, the real deal. ::a tear runs down Sylphiel's cheek:: Did I do something wrong?
Sylphiel: Sorry. I just suddenly thought about my father. Father gave me this rod. I was just praying for him to help me do this.
Amelia: Oh, Miss Sylphiel! You poor thing!
Zelgadiss: Sheesh... Gloomy!
Sylphiel: All right, let's try it again. ::her rod falls to the left:: I sense something from that direction.
Lina: You mean...?! It's just like letting a stick decide the way!

::they walk down that path and hit a dead end::
Lina: So, what about this?
Sylphiel: Um, I, er...
Lina: Um, I, er... MY ASS! It's a dead end!
Sylphiel: Funny, isn't it?
Lina: Oh, hilarious!
Gourry: Come on, she didn't mean any harm.
Amelia: ::touches a torch holder and the dead end opens up:: Wow, it opened.
Lina: All right! Sylphiel, you're incredible! Okay, let's keep going!
Gourry: Changes mood at the drop of a hat, but she's not all bad.
Sylphiel: I can see that.

Tiiba: Look at this magnificent form and tell me what you see!
Lina: A chicken.
Amelia: A chicken.
Zelgadiss: A chicken, from every possible angle.
Gourry: The chickenest looking chicken I've ever seen.
Tiiba: And what do you think?!
Sylphiel: Um, a very pretty... chicken.

Lina: It's a possibility. Hey, Sylphiel. Could you do what you did before and find Rezo's legacy?
Sylphiel: I'll try. Miss Lina, that ornament! ::points to a pink teddy bear::
Lina: That thing?!
Sylphiel: Don't you think it's cute?
Lina: No, I DON'T think it's cute!
Sylphiel: I'm sorry! But everything in here has a lot of magic in it. I can't tell when one is Rezo's legacy.

::Tiiba sneaks off::
Sylphiel: Mr. Chicken? ::thinks:: What's Mr. Chicken doing?
Tiiba: This should do it. ::puts on a mask and transforms into his true form::
Sylphiel: What's happening?!
Tiiba: So, you saw.
Sylphiel: Gourry!
Gourry: Sylphiel! ::runs to find her::
Sylphiel: No...
Gourry: Sylphiel! What's wrong?!
Sylphiel: Gourry!
Lina: Who's this guy?!
Sylphiel: Um, it's Mr. Chicken.

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