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TROUBLE! Rahanimu, the Furious Fish Man!

(Inside a cabin)
Zelgadiss: But I don't see any other options. It may be a longshot, but we have to try it!
Sylphiel: You mustn't!
Lina: Sylphiel...
Sylphiel: You mustn't use the Giga Slave! Ever again, if possible!
Lina: But why not?
Sylphiel: Because it's a terrible spell that can return all creation to nothingness. If you miscast the spell, it wouldn't just kill us. It would consume the world in a void of nothingness.

Zelgadiss: All right, now that it's settled, we'd better hurry. Let's get to Rezo's lab! Sylphiel, we need you to guide us. With the city destroyed, we can't tell left from right. There's no one else we can ask.
Sylphiel: But... But, I...
Zelgadiss: Are you just going to let them get away with murder? Will you let everyone end up like your father?!
Lina: Zel, back off! Oh, boy...
Sylphiel: Wood... I'd better get us some more wood.
Gourry: Wait! Sylphiel!

(Outside the cabin)
Gourry: Sylphiel.
Sylphiel: Gourry dear...
Gourry: I-- I know it's been rough. But, you know... Cheer up! Okay?
Sylphiel: Gourry dear...! ::drops the wood she collected:: Oh, no...
Gourry: Uh, don't worry! I'll grab it. ::bends down and hits heads with Sylphiel::
Sylphiel: Ow...
Gourry: Um, are you...?
Sylphiel: Oh, my!
::Gourry and Sylphiel laugh::

Sylphiel: Gourry dear...
Gourry: Yes, Sylphiel?
Sylphiel: Um, are you all right?
Gourry: ::carrying a HUGE stack of wood:: What, this? This is nothing!
Sylphiel: Gourry dear...
Gourry: Hmm?
Sylphiel: Will getting Rezo's legacy really let you kill a horrible enemy like him?
Gourry: Well, I can't really say. He's pretty powerful, you know.
Sylphiel: But you're still going to fight him. Why?
Gourry: Because I can't just stand around waiting for him to kill me. And because she'd never let me talk her out of it.
Sylphiel: You mean Lina?
Gourry: Yeah. She's nothing like you, Sylphiel. She's rude, violent, loud-mouthed. She'd never be able to settle down. Honestly, it's been nothing but trouble since the day I met her. I wouldn't mind it if she acted more girlish. Like you, Sylphiel. Huh? Uh... Look, Sylphiel...
Sylphiel: Gourry dear... Promise me you'll win. That you won't get killed.
Gourry: Sure. So quit worrying, okay?
Sylphiel: If... If you come back in one piece... then I'll...!
Gourry: Then you'll make me some of that great cooking of yours? Well?
Sylphiel: ::laughs::

(In the old city) ::The Slayers split up with Gourry and Sylphiel going another way. Sylphiel trips on a tree root::
Gourry: Are you okay, Sylphiel?
Sylphiel: I'm fine, Gourry dear.
Gourry: Wait, this is...
Sylphiel: This is the Miasma Forest.
Gourry: I think we're lost.

Next Episode...

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